Not many designers get the chance to go back to their school and re-design the school badge! This was a really exciting project and I loved working with Headteacher David Carter to achieve the solution.

The brief was that we wanted to keep certain elements of the badge, such as the palms. The crucifix was to become more traditional shape but a modern look. This was the hardest part of the brief. Then we also needed to tidy up with shield and make it a more traditional shape.

We also decided to not have the school name within a scroll to allow the text to sit underneath or to the right of the logo and in short be drastically more flexible in terms of how the logo could be used. Portrait, landscape, symmetrical etc. However it was important the school motto remained.
The logo has now been rolled out across all literature, signage, vehicles and also digitally. We’re very proud and to know we’ve gone full circle from falling in love with graphic design at GCSE, to A-levels, away for University degree in design and then returning as a professional to make a lasting impact on your school was really lovely.
While we were there we also updated their more simple PE logo (old logo is yellow – new version is white). The old yellow version lacked balance and clarity.
We love working within education and have plenty of experience in this sector. Please do get in touch if you have any branding or logo design needs.